Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Current Events- Pollution Killing Flower's Fragrance

Blaise Sevier 7B
19th October, 2010

Pollution Killing Flower's Fragrance



          Don’t you love to smell flowers? The sweet sent just makes my day! There are so many different types of flowers out there with wonderful scents. You’d better smell as much as you can or else the scent will be wiped away. Wait how can that happen? The culprit is Mr. Pollution, car exhaust and smoke from factories is destroying these lovely plants. Researchers say that the distance that the scent used to travel is only one third of what it used to. All flowers have scent molecules these are distributed all the time but when Mr. Pollution gets in the way it basically breaks apart the fragrance molecules. We will not be the only ones who will be disappointed but also the bees who rely on the flowers fragrances; this could cause a huge disruption to the bee population.
          Wow, this really makes me think about what is happening to all the plants and animals in this world. The disruption that we have caused is destroying populations, ecosystems and many more things that maybe cannot come back. I am reading all these articles about animals dying and plant populations are disintegrating. I really think we need to take charge and help save the environment. I am proud to say that we have started this, but I think it might be too slow. That by the time we are finished cleaning up our mess that we made it will be too late. I say we should work double time to not only save the fragrance of flowers but animals that could be lost in the future.

"Pollution Is Killing the Fragrance of Flowers - Science Videos - RedOrbit." RedOrbit – Science, Space, Technology, Health News and Information. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <http://www.redorbit.com/news/video/science/5/pollution_is_killing_the_fragrance_of_flowers/24559/>.
Here is the site that I used

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