Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Current Events- Fantastic Flying Snake!

Fantastic Flying Snakes!
National Geographic
Leaping Lizards, a snake that flies! When you think of a snake, you think of a slithery slimy creature that doesn’t fly. However many snakes do slither around on the ground, but the Chrysopelea or commonly known as the Flying snake, (hence the name) actually flies!! The snake’s body flings its body into the air when there is a strong updraft and it glides through the air to the other trees. When the Flying Snake leaps into the air, the speed from the free fall falling catches surface area of the snake. This makes the snakes glide through the air. The snake propels itself by shaping itself into letter forms (for example the letter “S” or “C”); they do this constantly in the air which helps them glide through the air. Ranging between 2 feet to 4 four feet, these animal glide through the air in Southeast and South Asia. Scientists on the other hand are not quite sure why these animals fly; it is very likely that evolved to escape from predators or to even to catch their prey. Nevertheless, in our wonderful world there are snakes that fly, how awesome is that!
Wow! That was a crazy article that I read! When I first started reading about this creature, I thought they were just kidding! Then I researched more on the topic and I found that it was a real type of snake! Holy Cow! I am not particularly scared of snakes, but if I saw on fly through the air above me, I would definitely be scared! Even though it might scare my half to death, I would still love to see one of these snakes… maybe in a zoo. Anyways, these animals are extremely interesting. I wonder if something in its process of evolution causes it to fly or glide through the air. I hope that scientists keep researching this incredible animal to find out the hidden mysteries of the Flying Snake.
Sites Used
Back, By Undulating. "Flying Snakes, Flying Snake Pictures, Flying Snake Facts - National Geographic." Animals, Animal Pictures, Wild Animal Facts - National Geographic. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/flying-snake/>.


  1. hija! i read the article on science daily when i was looking for an article for my own current event- isnt is awesome?!!! k, i admit i am not especially fond of snakes, i just think of them as slithery slimy creatures that eat innocent rats and mice, but a flying snake snake would be really cool to see! I read that they got it on a tape too, so maybe it would be possible to see it. wow!

    well, anyway, i thought you had a very interesting topic and you really explained yourself well.keep flyin like the Chrysopelea!

  2. Snakes are very interesting animals. As long as they are 2000 lightyears away from me. If so, they are my favorite animals. And now, on top of all snakes, I need to worry about the flying one. I don't really worry, I just choose not to think about them. Good Job Blaise, i am impressed.
