Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Africanized Bee

Africanized bee
Did you know that Killer bees are just cousins of the good old Honey Bee? In 1957, biologist Warwik E. Kerr accidently realized 26 Tanzanian Queen Bees which then they reproduce to now are Honey bee hybrids. These bees were realized in Southern Brazil, as of 2002 they have moved from Brazil up to Florida, California and Texas. One of the observations scientists have made is that the bees have not gone farther than Louisiana. In the Southern part of the United States killer bees are quite a hazard. Killer bees are highly more aggressive than the regular honey bee, for example African Honey Bees are able to take over a European Honey Beehive in a very short time. These bees swarm more frequently than any other type of bee and have, a better way of defending the colony. Also these hives have“guard” bees, which are extremely aggressive and not very nice.
Right at the first moment that I read the title of this article, I was sucked in. Africanized bee, I have never heard of that! This article was really interesting, not only did it have an article but links to other websites that provided more information about killer bees. I researched more on this subject because I was so consumed about learning more about killer bees. Reading about this made me wonder about the other animals in the world. Could they be accidents also? Then I research about other combined animals such as the Liger, Zebroids and Wholphins. It is so cool that this type of scientific research is going on, but I hope that these hybrids are not accidents, like the killer bee. 
Here is a National Geographic Youtube clip of Killer bees.
 By Blaise Sevier

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  1. hey!

    well, i have to admit that i've never heard of killer bees (only honey bees) but you can figure out from the name what the difference might be between the two. that they are cousins and killer bees turn into honey bees might mean that the opposite is possible, too! honey bees could kill and killer bees could turn as sweet as honey! Then you wouldn't ever be sure of what you had, killer or honey. bees are complicated!and if a killer bee turned into a honey bee that might mean that honey bees could kill... well, great article, it was really interesting!!!

  2. Hey nice It is really cool how bees keep on spreadin over america and the rest of the world. I really like the post nice current events!
    10/10 :)
