- Seals
- The seal mother comes early to give birth to a pup. Her milk is 40% fat.
- Super Wiener- a pup that doesn't stop feeding, usually a pup that is going to be a dominate male.
- Crab Eater Seals eat mainly krill.
- Leopard Seals eat penguins and krill.
- Leopard Seals bulls are extremely aggressive.
- Elephant Seals- Bulls can be 500 kilos, eat squid and penguins.
- Female Leopard Seals- SUPER SCARY, do NOT go into the WATER with one around.
- Male Leopard Seals sing to attract female Leopard Seals.
- Whales
- Huge animals, they need to eat a ton of food.
- Migrate from Brazil, Equator going down to the arctic.
- Breed in Brazil and Equator.
- Whale feces fertilizes the food that krill eat.
- Penguins
- Gentoo penguin
- Macaroni penguin
- Chinstrap penguin
- Adelie penguin
- All arrive in the spring around the same time. Hatch in Christmas/ New Year.
- Emperor Penguins arrive at the end of summer because they take longer to grow a chick. Hatch in Christmas/ New Year. Have to survive during winter to grow chick.
- Krill
- Eating machines, swim super fast.
- Ultimate victim to almost every animal in the Arctic.
- Eat 1/4 of their body weight in a day.
- Live up to 10 years, and eat algae all the time.
- They only produce eggs only in the Spring.
- Polar Bears
- Mainly eat the fat of the animal they kill, hardly ever eat the meat.
- Thick fur to keep body heat in.
- Super powerful, not very good at sprinting.
- Polar bears are only in the Arctic, not in the Antarctic.